Frequently asked Questions

It is the platform where our specialist physicians answer the most frequently asked questions about medical aesthetic applications.

Hyaluronic acid dermal filler applications are not permanent and usually last up to 22 months. However, the average duration of application depends on several factors such as your skin type, severity of wrinkle/folding in the treatment area, type of injection and volume of product injected."

• Before the application, you should inform your physician about all your medical and disease history, current and past medications and treatments.

• It is recommended that you do not take aspirin, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory drugs for a week before the application. Consult your prescribing physician before discontinuing any chronic treatment.

• It is recommended not to travel for 72 hours after the application, and to give up strenuous activities for 24 hours after the treatment. It is recommended not to apply make-up for 2 hours after the application.

1.Topical report. Injectible products to fill wrinkles. France: ANSM: Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé; 2012
2.Goodman GJ, et al. Facial aesthetic injections in clinical practice: Pretreatment and posttreatment consensus recommendations to minimise adverse outcomes. Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 2020;61(3):217-225